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Commercial Real Estate Lending II: Underwriting
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Chapter Event: In-Person
5/21/2025 - 5/21/2025
Registration Fees
Members | $475 |
Nonmembers | $875 |
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Item Details
Community National Bank
316 N Main Street
Barre, VT 05641
2nd Floor, Community Room
Event date & Times: May 21, 2025 8:30AM - 5:00PM ET
Understanding the risks inherent in real estate lending
Course Overview
Commercial Real Estate Lending II: Underwriting provides a best-practices approach to quantifying cash flows of various styles of Commercial Real Estate (CRE) property for underwriting. Topics include 1) the analytics necessary for a unified analysis for loan consideration, including measuring cash flow for debt service and assessing quality of its sources, 2) the lease review process 3) alternative methods to reach a valuation, 4) testing loan performance under adverse conditions, and 5) creating a loan structure that helps preserve cash flow. Through a mix of small and large group activities, case studies, and active discussions, participants are better prepared to apply the content learned when they return to their jobs.
Upon completion of Commercial Real Estate Lending II: Underwriting, participants will be able to:
Name inherent risks to CRE loan performance and apply strategies to discover and quantify these risks
Interpret the economic and business characteristics of a lease and explain how those characteristics influence both expected net cash flow and lending risks
Describe an appraiser’s valuation process for commercial real estate property, including variances that can be caused by property performance, and the challenge in using market valuation for owner-occupied properties
Analyze extraordinary lease terms and apply effective-rent analysis to quantify their impact on cash flow and value
Perform breakeven, stress, and sensitivity analyses to test loan performance under adverse conditions
Apply best practices for loan structure terms and covenants to support the primary drivers of CRE performance
Commercial Real Estate Lending II: Underwriting is designed for practicing commercial loan officers and other lending or credit professionals who need to understand more complex real estate lending concepts. In general, these bankers should have two to three years of experience.
Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of commercial real estate lending and loan underwriting or to have completed RMA’s Commercial Real Estate Lending I: Introduction or Real Estate Lending Academy.