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Construction Developers

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A highly focused compilation of articles on lending to Construction Developers. Articles may come from The RMA Journal, The Commercial Lending Newsletter, or RMA’s publication, Credit Considerations.

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    Spilled Milk: Main Street Bank Had Some Explaining to Do--to the Customer and to the Court, Weissman, Michael L. The RMA Journal, v94n6, 52-54, 3 pages Mar 2012.

    New Perspectives in Analyzing Real Estate Developer Financial Statements (Part 7), Boykin, Dan, The RMA Journal, v93n6, 46-50, 5 pages Mar 2011 Reprint from Dec 2002-Jan 2003, The RMA Journal.

    New Perspectives in Analyzing Real Estate Developer Financial Statements (Part 6), Boykin, Dan, The RMA Journal, v93n5, 48-52, 5 pages Feb 2011 Reprint from Nov 2002, The RMA Journal.

    New Perspectives in Analyzing Real Estate Developer Financial Statements (Part 5), Boykin, Dan, The RMA Journal, v93n4, 46-50, 5 pages Dec 2010-Jan 2011 Reprint from Oct 2002, The RMA Journal.

    New Perspectives in Analyzing Real Estate Developer Financial Statements (Part 4), Boykin, Dan, The RMA Journal, v93n3, 68-72, 5 pages Nov 2010 Reprint from Sept 2002, The RMA Journal.

    New Perspectives in Analyzing Real Estate Developer Financial Statements (Part 3), Boykin, Dan, The RMA Journal, v93n2, 62-66,  5 pages Oct 2010 Updated from July-August, 2002.

    Blanket Builder's Risk Insurance Better Protects the Lender's Exposure, Dillard, Greg, The RMA Journal, v93n2, 52-55, 4 pages Oct 2010.

    New Perspectives in Analyzing Real Estate Developer Financial Statements, Boykin, Dan, The RMA Journal, v93n1, 54-58, 5  pages Sep 2010 Updated from 80-83, 4 pages June 2002, The RMA Journal.

    New Perspectives in Analyzing Real Estate Developer Financial Statements, Boykin, Dan, The RMA Journal, v92n10, 76-82, 7 pages Jul/Aug 2010 Updated from 26-31, 6 pages May 2002, The RMA Journal.

    Loans to Construct and Finance Medical Office Buildings: Enter at Your Own Risk, Pollard, Derek P. ; Appel, Richard ; Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v91n7, 32-35, 4 pages Apr 2009.

    Spilled Milk: Caveat Emptor, or “ There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lot”, Griggs, Malcolm, The RMA Journal, v90n8, 72-74, 3 pages May 2008.

    Worth Repeating... Avoiding Traps of Real Estate Development Lending, Parzinger, Thomas M. Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management, v81n5, 32-37, 6 pages Jan 1999.

    Construction Lending to Owner-Builders:  Opportunities and Risks, Casey, K. Michael ; Dickens, Ross N. ; Theis, John, Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management, v79n11, 80-86, 7 pages  July 1997.

    Commercial Developers, Credit Considerations I, v1, 101-111, 11 pages  1986 Updated in the 1999 all-in-one version Updated in 2001 Updated in 2002 Updated in 2003.