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Statement Studies Submission Campaign Resource Center



Join the RMA Member-Only Campaign, created by banks for banks

RMA's Annual Statement Studies® is the only source of comparative industry benchmark data that comes directly from the anonymized financial statements of small and medium-size business clients of RMA’s Member Institutions.

Collectively support risk professionals by enhancing the quality and availability of industry reporting.

Make smarter lending decisions and, gain the confidence that you are using your own data as part of the compiled benchmarking.

Enjoy a complimentary copy of the Annual Statement Studies® book and eStatement Studies access.

You'll be in good company.

View 2024 Submitting Members


Ready to Get Started?

Once you have generated your submission file and are ready to submit, please email with the submission files attached.

Download the Participant Guide


To get started with the submission process, first determine if you will submit your data using a partnered software vendor, or a non-vendor supported (aka manual) method.

We have provided guides designed to assist you in preparing your data for submission for various software spreading tools. We encourage you, whenever possible, to submit via electronic method with a partnered vendor. However, we will be able to accept manual submissions if you are not able to generate an electronic submission.

If you are a software company interested in incorporating and licensing the Statement Studies data into your products, contact Jorge Mera at

Partnered Vendor Submissions Guides

Select the name of the software to download the full guide or visit their support website. 

FIS Credit Assessment (formerly Ambit Optimist)

Customer Support:
Please submit a ticket with your Client Experience representative for support.

Baker Hill NextGen

Customer Support:
Phone: 1-800-821-4455

Baker Hill Statement Analyzer

Customer Support:
Phone: 1-800-821-4455

Fusion CreditQuest

Customer Support:
Customer Center:
Phone: 1-800-274-7287
Open a case via the Case Management System

Global Wave Group Financial Track

Customer Support:
Phone: 1-888-315-4704

Moody's CreditLens

Customer Support:
Phone: 1-212-553-1653

Moody's Lending Cloud

Customer Support:

Moody's Risk Analyst

Customer Support:
Phone: 1-212-553-1653

Vanguard Software Group LoanVantage

Customer Support:
Phone: 1-407-475-0005

Vision Software Solutions FISCAL

Customer Support:
Phone: 800-248-5550

Wolters Kluwer CASH Suite

Customer Support:
Phone: 888-765-4939

Manual Submission Guides & Templates

Review the guides provided to prepare a manual submission.


Printable Submission Forms and Definitions

For Non-Contractors:

Non-Contractor Forms & Definitions

For Contractors:

Contractor Forms & Definitions

Access & Excel Specifications and Templates

Access Database:

Access Database Specifications

Access Database Template


Excel Spreadsheet:

Excel Specifications

Excel Template


RMA Custom Bridge

If you are using a customized version of your software, please contact your software provider for additional assistance. 



When financial statements are not spread in accordance with RMA spreading guidelines, credit approvers are not provided with all the information they need to make the best informed credit decision.

RMA's Guide to Spreading Financial Statements surfaces what might have been otherwise overlooked risks. Once identified, those potential risks can then be factored into credit decisioning and loan structuring and lead to a more sound credit portfolio.

NAICS Mapping

The most recent edition of the 2022-2023 Annual Statement Studies was compiled using the 2022 NAICS, managed and revised by the US Census and OMB. 

For the 2025 Submission Campaign RMA will be accepting 2024 NAICS.

For your reference, you may view the 2022 to 2017 NAICS mapping, or you may view the US Census Bureau site

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should I contact if my bank is interested in participating in the submission campaign?

You should contact your Relationship Manager or send your interest directly to the Statement Studies Team,


How does my institution benefit from participation?

By submitting the anonymized financial statements of your bank's commercial loan customers, you are improving the quality of this year's Annual Statement Studies for Members, and for performing business valuations on prospective businesses, and industries. As a participant of the program, not only do you receive free Annual Statement Studies books, or eStatement Studies access, but you join your peers in creating a product that has been a staple of the credit and banking industry for over 100 years! You will also be utilizing your own data as part of your benchmarking, and making credit decisions.


What information is collected for a submission?

For an acceptable submission file, we request the anonymized financial statements, including all companies/all industries in commercial, middle market, and business banking. This means the balance sheet and income statement. We accept CPA as well as company prepared data, tax forms, etc. We also accept all loan grades, and risk ratings. RMA will never ask for, or collect any borrower identifying information, except borrower zip code which is only collected to allow us to compile regional data.  


What does my institution need to send to RMA once the submission file is generated, and where?

Once you have completed the submission extraction in your software, please be sure to send your submission file(s) to In the subject line, please include your bank name and RMA Member ID. You will need to send BOTH the submission file and the transmittal file. We are not able to process a submission without its corresponding transmittal. 


How much does it cost to participate in the submission campaign?

There are no additional costs associated with submitting your financial statements to RMA. As long as you are an RMA member, we will accept your submission. 


What is a submission goal, and is it important that I reach this goal?

RMA sets an annual submission goal, which is 10% more statements than you sent the prior year - but we understand participation is voluntary and we will take as many submissions as you can provide.

If you’re new to the submission campaign, please submit as many statements as possible!

It is important to remember the data continues to grow simply because of our members. The more statements we receive, the more data we can provide in the industry data reports. Should you not be able to reach your goal, we will not penalize you, however we strongly encourage you to submit as many statements as possible each year. 


What is the time commitment for generating a submission file?

Your time commitment to this project will depend on two things: the size of your institution, and which software spreading package you are using. 

The actual process takes just a few minutes, in which you enter in the submission period criteria, and your bank contact information. Then the software will generate the submission within a few minutes.

However, if you’re a large institution, the generation may take longer, but as the operator you will not need to do more than enter in a few key pieces of information. The software will do all the work!

If you do not work with one of our partnered vendors, more of a time commitment will be necessary. 


What security measures are in place for sharing our borrower data?

RMA can assure you that it is extremely safe to submit your client financial data.  At the time of file generation, the data is encrypted by the software directly.  Note, RMA will NEVER request your clients' identifying information (company name, contact name, address, phone, etc).  When ready, you may choose to send your file to RMA by email, or you may send to us using your secure email system, or SFT.  Please be sure to send us the instructions to conduct the file download. 


Finally, the RMA server is protected by two firewalls, which are monitored 24/7, and RMA staff are required to enter an OTP for accessing the network.  In addition, all data transferred between our systems are encrypted via SHA-256 VPN connection, and we have a third-party security vendor that monitors our network and logs 24/7.


We are available to help with the process

Email with any questions, or, schedule a meeting with us.


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